Posts Tagged "tools for general use"

Useful tips about home decoration

Useful tips about home decoration

Self leveling floors 1- To get the air bubbles out of the self leveling grout use needle roller with special needles. 2-There are special sandals with spikes on their soles with which you can walk on the self leveling screed without it being damaged 3-In the overlapping edges of the two coatings made ??at different times use a tape to…read more →

Masonry Tools

Masonry Tools

Masonry tools Masonry tools are one of the oldest tools invented by man. The interesting part about them is that in shape and purpose they have suffered very few changes throughout ancient history of mankind, just like the concept of construction. Masonry Trowels The most popular trowels in your country are provisionally two types: Trowels with rounded top and “cut-shaped”…read more →