Roller – All about rollers and rollers suitable for you!

Roller – All about rollers and rollers suitable for you!

Paint roller
Paint rollers are one of the most commonly used tools for painting, they are suitable for home and professional use. Working with paint roller is not as precise as with a brush, but in contrast to that it is much faster, efficient and with lower cost of paint. Rollers are used for painting relatively large surfaces with a variety of features – from rough and uneven (as external renders and wall areas) to smooth and even perfectly smooth surfaces (such as fine gypsum plaster, pre-treated with a special primer)
Paint rollers are divided into two main types according to their structure and mode of production.

Sewed Rollers
The first type sewed rollers with polyurethane pad are designed primarily for rough and uneven surfaces. The pad federates and softens contact “solid-solid” between the wall and the plastic roller. So the softened surface of the roller has greatly improved hiding power for uneven surfaces as the fiber textiles reach the depth of all holes and bumps. The rollers of this type are made as on the plastic roller (core) is placed on the pad, and then it is stitched homotenno piece of fabric. This type of rollers are very durable and resistant to long cycle times and therefore are distributed widely . You could say that they are the closest thing to a “universal tool” that can be used for any painting job and can be painted thousands of square meters area.

Glued Rollers
The second type are glued rollers where the federating pad is missing, as they are designed to work with semi-smooth, smooth. In these rollers, through various technologies textile is glued directly onto the roll. Unlike sewed rollers, embroidered rollers whose fabric has a longer fiber length (18-25mm), when bonding of the fiber length is significantly shorter (10-12mm). This defines the type of the next division with paint rollers:
Long fiber is used on uneven and rough surfaces, walls, and other porous materials. Rough surfaces, which are expected to absorb more paint
Short fiber is used for semi smooth and smooth surfaces with less absorbency where it is not necessary to roll “up” more paint, but rather look for the effect of uniform coloring and artistic accomplishment. Rollers with short fibers are entirely for interior use on plaster plastered surfaces and any other smooth materials and more.
When working with silicone paint and all materials for luxury performance there are some important features that are crucial for the final result:
A roller with short hair is used, since even slight coating of paint more often leads to so-called. “Orange peel effect” in which the desired finish will be achieved.
For best results just the roller with short hair is not enough, but also need to be made by special technology of spiral strips. The special feature of these rollers is that their textile was not uniform cloth stuck to the plastic roller, but a thin strip, “” coiled spiral on the roll. This technology allows the rolling type “perpetual screw” (“Earthworm”), whereby practically no traces remain on both sides of the roll when dyeing. Proper handling rollers of this type gives perfect effect and brilliance, as in spray painting.
Rollers with fiber length of 6 mm are ideal for applying enamel paints and varnishes.
The rollers are different and the type of their textiles. The most common are acrylic rollers, because they are suitable for almost any job, there are rollers made of natural fibers (eg, wool, goat hair, etc.. Products of animal origin), nylon, synthetic and semi-synthetic materials, and special rollers effects. Broadly speaking, “each roller can do anything,” but the real best results comes when the type of roller is chosen according to its purpose and the desired end result. Here’s a rundown on the most important moments of the conditional split according to the type of paint:
Acrylic rollers – all latex, water-soluble paints. Universal and secular tool. Suitable for both hobby and professional use. “Kalashnikov” in painting tools.

Polyamide Rollers – excellent material of a higher class, but unlike acrylic the noticeable difference is visible only in the hands of true professionals. More expensive than acrylic roller.

Mohair Rollers – There are two types – 100% natural and semi-natural. Usage – for varnishes and oil paints. Semi, which consists of 50% goat hair and 50% acrylic is a better option as this mix is more resistant to cleaning solvents from pure 100% goat hair.

Wool Rollers – varnishes and oil paints. It’s good for everything, but still – varnishes and oil paints. Highest price range.

Nylon Rollers – binary and polyurethane paints, epoxy resins and any over-aggressive solutions containing thinners CORESILIN and others. Suitable for waterproofing coatings and varnishes, which normally would have destroyed any other roller in minutes.

Foam rollers – oil-based paints and varnishes. This type of roller has a special variety called “Flock”, which is more resistant than regular dunaprenza disposable. Due to their low quality and too short life is increasingly moving away from mohair roller.
This concludes our article on types of rollers and their purpose. You can load your hardware, construction exchange or store with rollers REGGE by calling the offices of Mars Trade Ltd or at your nearest regional representative.
We wish you a good and successful business!